System Utilities / RadiusSplit
Source Text
#!/usr/bin/perl # # radiussplit - Split the Radius logs into per user logs. # # This program should be run as a 'pipe', e.g. in a script: # tail -f /etc/raddb/detail | radiussplit # # # Author: Paul Gregg <pgregg@pgregg.com> # Date: 10 July 1998 # Summary: Radius, User's activity, Port usage, Log/Detail files. # Version: 1.0 # Copyright: 1997,1998,1999,2000 Paul Gregg <pgregg@pgregg.com> # Copy Policy: Free to copy and distribute provided all headers are left # intact and no charge is made for this program. I would # appreciate copies of any modifications to the script. # URL: http://www.pgregg.com/projects/ # FTP: None yet (I'm lazy) # # # Supported: Livingston Radius V2.0+, V1.16 # Merit Radius # Ascend Radius # Dale Reed's RadiusNT # Radiator Perl Radius Server
#require "ctime.pl"; #use POSIX;
#Unbuffered output $| = 1;
# gzcat - 'cat for .gz / gzip files' # If you don't have gzcat and do have gzip then use: ln gzip gzcat $GZCAT = "/usr/local/bin/gzcat";
# zcat - 'cat for .Z / compressed files' $ZCAT = "/usr/bin/zcat";
# Livingston Radius V1.16+, RadiusNT, Merit Radius, and some Ascend: # e.g. Record stamp of type: Tue Jul 1 00:28:34 1997 $RECORD_DATE_FMT = "DAY MON MDAY HH:MM:SS YEAR";
# Ascend Radius: # e.g. Record stamp of type: 23-07-1997 00:02:55 #$RECORD_DATE_FMT = "MDAY-MON-YEAR HH:MM:SS";
#### You should not have to modify anything below here
@weekdays = ( "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ); %weekhash = ( "Sun", 0, "Mon", 1, "Tue", 2, "Wed", 3, "Thu", 4, "Fri", 5, "Sat", 6 ); @months = ( "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ); %monthshash = ( "Jan", 0, "Feb", 1, "Mar", 2, "Apr", 3, "May", 4, "Jun", 5, "Jul", 6, "Aug", 7, "Sep", 8, "Oct", 9, "Nov", 10, "Dec", 11);
#Extract all command line arguments $args=1 if ( $#ARGV > 0 ); while ($args) { $flag = shift(@ARGV); if ($flag eq "--help") { &help; exit; } if (substr($flag, 0, 1) eq '-') { #if ($flag =~ /[tbharsH]/) { # $arg{'s'} = TRUE if ($flag =~ /s/); #} else { $arg{substr($flag, 1, 1)} = shift(@ARGV); #} } else { die "Usage: $usage\n Error in $flag - not a valid flag.\n"; } $args = 0 if (!$ARGV[0]); }
$DEFOUT = "/var/adm/radacct/portmaster1/users";
if ( (!defined($arg{'o'})) ) { warn "No output directory specified - using $DEFOUT/YYYY/MM/\n"; $arg{'o'} = "THISMONTH"; }
printf ( "Sending output to directory: %s\n", $arg{'o'} ) if ($DEBUG ge 1);
$/=""; # 'line' split on single blank lines
while ( $file_record = <STDIN> ) { $DIR = $arg{'o'}; @record = (); @record = split(/\n/, $file_record); process_record(@record);
if ( $AcctStatusType eq "Stop" && $UserName) {
if ($DIR eq "THISMONTH") { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($Timestamp); $year += 1900; $DIR = sprintf("%s/%4d/%02d", $DEFOUT, $year, $mon+1); if ( ! -d "$DIR" ) { makedirs($DIR); } }
$line = join ("\n", @record) . "\n\n"; print "."; if ( -f "$DIR/$UserName" ) { open(OUT, ">>$DIR/$UserName") || die "Can't open file $DIR/$UserName: $!\n"; } else { open(OUT, ">$DIR/$UserName") || warn "Can't open file $DIR/$UserName: $!\n"; } #for (@record) { # print OUT "$_\n"; #} ##print OUT @record; #print OUT "\n"; print OUT $line; close(OUT); } }
sub process_record { my @new_record = @_;
$AcctSessionId = ""; $UserName = ""; $NASPort=""; $NASPortType=""; $NASIPAddress = ""; $AcctStatusType=""; $AcctSessionTime=""; $AcctInputOctets=""; $AcctOutputOctets=""; $AcctTerminateCause=""; $ServiceType=""; $FramedProtocol=""; $FramedIPAddress=""; $Timestamp=""; $AcctDelayTime=""; $ConnectInfo=""; $REC=""; $VALUE=""; foreach (@new_record) { # Collect data s/^\s+//; #Strip leading spaces. print " -> $_" if ($DEBUG ge 3); chomp; ($REC, $VALUE) = split(" = ", $_, 2); next if ( ! $VALUE ); # line isn't a REC = VALUE type. $REC =~ s/-//g; # Strip the '-'s from the REC name.
${$REC} = $VALUE; # Store this REC = VALUE print ":$REC: - :$VALUE:\n" if ($DEBUG ge 2);
return if ($REC eq "AcctStatusType" && $VALUE eq "Start"); }
# Check for a valid Timestamp - if none, generate one from record stamp if ($Timestamp == "") { my $recdate = $record[0]; chomp $recdate; $recdate =~ s/ +/ /g; $recdate =~ s/:/ /g; my @recdates = split(/ /, $recdate); my $stdfmt = $RECORD_DATE_FMT; $stdfmt =~ s/:/ /g; my @stds = split(/ /, $stdfmt); while ($foo = shift (@stds)) { $val = shift(@recdates); $$foo = $val; } #print "$DAY, $MON, $MDAY, $HH, $MM, $SS, $YEAR\n"; $Timestamp = calendar_time( $DAY, $MON, $MDAY, $HH, $MM, $SS, $YEAR ); #print "TIMESTAMP = $Timestamp\n"; }
# Remove "" marks from $AcctSessionId, $UserName and $ConnectInfo $UserName =~ s/\"//g; $AcctSessionId =~ s/\"//g; $ConnectInfo =~ s/\"//g;
# And correct the Timestamp backwards if there was an accounting delay $Timestamp -= $AcctDelayTime; $AcctDelayTime = 0;
# Generate a Unique ID from AcctSessionId, UserName, NASPort and NASIPAddress $UniqueId = "$UserName/$AcctSessionId/$NASPort/$NASIPAddress";
sub calendar_time { my $day = shift; my $month = shift; my $mday = shift; my $hour = shift; my $min = shift; my $sec = shift; my $year = shift; $year -= 1900 if ($year >= 1900); #printf "$sec:$min:$hour $mday, $month=$monthshash{$month}, $year, $day=$weekhash{$day}\n"; #my $cal = mktime($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $monthshash{$month}, $year, # $weekhash{$day}, 0, 0); return $cal; }
sub makedirs { # Ensure the directory exists my $dir = shift; return if ( -d $dir ); print " Making directory $dir\n"; if ( ! mkdir($dir,0755) ) { # Failed, lets recurse upwards to fix my $lastslashpos = rindex ($dir, "/"); # Find the last / in the dir my $dirup = substr( $dir, 0, $lastslashpos ); makedirs($dirup); mkdir($dir,0755) } }
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