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System Utilities / RadiusReport

RadiusReport - Radius Log Analysis

RadiusReport Examples

1. To produce a 'minimal' report on 'abcedf'.

        radiusreport -l abcdef -f /var/adm/radacct/portmaster1/detail

Radius Log Report for: abcdef
Date     Login    Logout   Ontime  Port
02/07/97 22:54:07 23:03:54   9m48s A9  

2. To produce the same, but without that head/food text. (most minimal) radiusreport -h -l abcdef -f /var/adm/radacct/portmaster1/detail
3. To produce a 'full' report on account 'abcdef'. radiusreport -tba -l abcdef -f /var/adm/radacct/portmaster1/detail Radius Log Report for: abcdef Date Login Logout Ontime Port BW-In/Out Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01/06/97 13:18:19 13:38:07 19m48s A1 120.1K/309.3K 0h19m 01/06/97 22:32:24 23:32:17 59m54s A3 218.1K/1.7M 1h19m 02/06/97 19:54:33 21:15:01 80m29s A2 396.7K/1.3M 2h40m ........ 30/06/97 19:33:53 20:05:25 31m32s A2 116.0K/1017.6K 54h24m 30/06/97 22:29:00 01:56:13 207m08s A1 1.2M/5.7M 57h51m 02/07/97 23:33:13 00:40:42 67m30s A3 276.7K/1.0M 58h59m ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Hours: 58h59m Average Online times: 1h52m per day, 13h08m per week Total Data transferred In/Out: 18.2M/67.8M A couple of points: Port is made up from a combination of 2 things, the login type Async or Isdn BW-In/Out is the about of data transferred during the dialup *from the perspective of the portmaster* The rest of the columns should be pretty straight forward ;)
4. To produce reports for every user for the last 2 months. (I archive my months details away, May's is gzipped, June's is plain) radiusreport -tba -l all -f /var/adm/radacct/portmaster1/archives/1997\ /06/detail:/var/adm/radacct/portmaster1/archives/1997/05/detail.gz of course this shoulds all be on one line. To make the output be placed in a file per user set up a 'clean' directory to put the files in, e.g. mkdir /tmp/reports and use the above command with the extra flag -o /tmp/reports
5. To produce a list of users who used IP address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd radiusreport -i aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd -f detail
6. To produce a list of users, along with their last login times. (Only really useful if performed on at least 1 or 2 months logs) radiusreport -r -f detail:detail.lastmonth

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Page last updated: 15 July 2008 23:07:09.
This site has been online since 5th October 2000
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